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Edgar may seem as powerful as a god, but he is not. He actually has many spots of weakness within him. For one, if he is in his Dark Phoenix form (fire), holy water will indeed hurt him. Another weakness of his, is the the love he has for his other half, Emily Decay. When it comes to her, he is powerless. It's one of his greatest weaknesses and is always in fear that it will be used against him in some way. The way that he gains his power is by extracting the energy from the air around him.


If you take away the energy somehow, he loses the abilities that he can harness. Lastly, he may seem immortal, but he can actually be killed off by extreme damages to the body that he can not recover from such as removal of the head or complete destruction of his heart and mind. Take note, his phoenix abilities will restore him at some point, but it could take months if he was ever to rise again. There is mystery around the use of the Phoenix powers that reside in him. Not even he fully understands it himself.



Darkness is used in most of his abilities. Fire also is his other element due to his Pheonix abilities.




Hand Slighting - This is his trademark skill and the one that he has practiced the most. When he lost his mind to the dark arts, he began to focus on one trick at first and this was it. It's one of the few abilities he has away from his necromancy skills. This skill he perfected through the dark arts before he became a necromancer.. With the slight of his hand, he can move objects, people.. Anything he desires really. Once he perfected it, he hasn't used it as much because he wants to hone in and focus on his other skills and perfect them. He still uses it though when he sees the chance.


Aura Sensing and Absorption - He can sense a person's aura.. He can smell the air around people and pick up a scent within their aura. He can also absorb the power of a person, but Edgar doesn't believe in that. It makes things too easy so he is against using that particular technique. He isn't afraid to sense an aura out though if he feels the will to do so


Aura Manipulation - He can use spirit energy that flows and surrounds him and channel it into a luminous radiation which he uses mainly within his hand to light up the environment. If the opporunity presents itself, he can manipulate this power in such a way that it produces a bright instant but momentary light that it can blind nearby people. Used for battle and similar situations.


Memory Absorption - He never really uses this ability unless he has to in extreme cases. He doesn't use it "because it makes the mind's wonderment dull" he says. So he chooses to not use this too much. He will if it's a necessity, but it has to be extreme. This power generally allows him to unlock a person's mind and gain their knowledge, their memories, and to see what they have seen.  His slight of being part phoenix heightens this ability further, he can now not only find memories and seek them out, but he can burn ones out and give a person the worst headaches of their life.


Slight of Suicide - Yes, if Edgar is feeling rather sadistic he can try and force someone to kill theirself with slight of hand. If they have a gun, he may gesture his hand slowly up to his head, watching the person mimic him and then make them wait for it.. He may just toy with them and make them suffer and think he will make them off theirself, or he may just do it.. It depends on the situation and mood he finds himself in.


EctoKenesis - His paranormal Necromancy abilities give him an edge when it comes to spectral powers. He can use spirits and their energy in ways that took him years to harness and hone in on. He can take the energy from something and channel that into controlling spirits to help do his bidding and will which insues many things..


 He can make a spirit project his image and essentially clone him to confuse an enemy, create barriers so that if can see something coming, he can summon enough spectral and ecto energy to have a barrier absorb it. He can also gather enough energy to emit a dark beam of light in extreme cases, which allow him to throw a dark beam at someone in order to do damage to them. The damage applies in burns or cuts depending on whether he is channeling his phoenix or not.


His kenesis also allows him to absorb dark energy or magic or it is used against him. If certain things are used against him that can be transferred into energy, he can use it against the person. He can absorb energy into his body and use it in many different ways. He can use it and convert it into his physical strength to give him an edge, use it as energy blasts or waves.. He can only absorb energy though such as electrical, dark matter, radiation, or heat energy.. This also plays into his phoenix abilities by allowing him to absorb any kind of fire.


Weapon  manifestation - He has the power to transform a weapon or any other object for that matter, into a new weapon. He can manipulate weapons in many ways to his own will. He can use his darkness to form swords, knives, or anything he wishes.. He doesn't use this ability alot because of his whip that currently stays at his side, so it's a rare thing for him to show off this ability. He won't use it unless it's an "all else fails" tactic and his whip is too far away from his grasp for some reason to use. This ability also makes him a master of the weaponry. He can weild any weapon with perfect skill regaurdless of whether it's a knife, sword, gun or whatever he pleases.


Spiritual Affinity - He can see and view the deceased, essentially what we all call ghosts and spirits. He can communicate with them within their inhabiting area if he wishes to. He doesn't often use this to his advantage because most spirits want help to move on and he just isn't that type of person.. He will use it if he sees fit.. He can speak personally with ghosts and spirits that also reside or possessed into an inanimate object or person. He is able to repel spirits away from an area they are attached to.. He can also capture a spirit if he sees it to his advantage and he can re-summon the spirit later within battle or to whatever he sees fit.


Elemental replication - He has darkness that resides within him.. His necromancy makes this ability soar. He can instantly clone and replicate himself to his advantage using his spectral energy. He doesn't often use this ability due to it being too easy and he likes the challenge in battle. He will use it if he sees fit and the situation calls for it, but he hates using it. He can replicate an instant army of himself if necessary, but the need has never risen.


Ressurection - This is the most widely known power of any necromancer's bag of evil tricks. He can bring back the dead including himself if. He doesn't bring himself back because that makes things easy and foolish so he decides to not attempt such a thing. He can reanimate the dead and control them against their will and make them his to do as he pleases. He something uses it as his entertainment and has some dead bodies fight amongst theirselves or dance for him. He also commonly uses this power to give him an edge of battle if necessary.


Accelerated regeneration -He can heal his body and the cells within it at a more speedy rate, but he limits it because he loves the feeling of pain anyway. It still takes a day or two for a wound to heal. If it's extreme enough, he will heal faster if it benefits him, but if it's superficial, he will let it ride out and heal at a 2 day pace. Due to this ability, he can never become ill or sick.. He isn't susceptible to poisons either. His body rejects anything of the such and his Phoenix half rejects any burns on his body and skin.


Soul Absorption - He can absorb one's soul and others around it to increase his own power. He can consume the soul or spirit, often giving him a new temporary ability depending on what abilities the soul or spirit had in it's lifetime. The ability is only temporary and goes away with the special rate of his necromancy and Phoenix abilities combined. Absorbing souls also strengthens his soul, his body, and augments his abilities with more power.


Extent of Immortality - This doesn't mean the normal sense of what you'd think it would mean. Edgar can still die ofcourse. He experiences pain and injuries much like anyone else would.. Ofcourse he enjoys pain, but that is beside the point. He can still die from fatal wounds that can't be healed fast enough such as his head being cut off or his heart being stabbed, but he will never die of an illness or old age. He can only be killed in the unconventional way.. Not a natural way.


Necrotic Empowerment - If he is in the same area when someone is killed off by others, his physical abilities strengthen and sharpen for the given moment of time. This can last up to an hour, depending on the signicance of the death and the scenario surrounding it.


Pain Inducement - Another very sadistic method for Edgar. He can cause varying levels of pain that can be either physical, mental, or emotional pain.. He uses it against his enemies using supernatural means. He can physically do harm to someone and actually put them through torture by manipulating the nerves in their body and sending waves of pain throughout. He can play with their mental thought process and trap a person in an illusion where they think they are being tortured and killed.. He smiles the whole time at this. He mostly uses it for his entertainment and torturing pleasures.


Pain Supression - He can mask and supress his own pain if he chooses to.. He usually doesn't do so because he enjoys the pain dealt onto him by others.. It fascinates him so he let's the pain course through him as he smiles. Just like many abilities, he will use it in extreme cases if he must, but it's never came up yet. He can endure alot and his body can take the ultimate amount of punishment because of it. His Phoenix powers enhances this and he can't feel any pain.


Flame whip - He has his blackened widow whip that he always has at his side.. He can catch it on fire and use it as a much more deadly weapon for wielding. He can also heat the whip up considerably since it's made out of an old world durable material.


NOTE: These are powers that go along with his origin to what he is. He doesn't necessarily mean that he uses all the powers. Infact, he doesn't use a majority of them because he figures it would make battles boring and dull so he only uses a small array of the abilities in his arsenal.


Edgar Decay

Age: Appears to be 29, but he is actually 1563 years old.

Origin: Necromancer/ Phoenix (Nerconix)







He has a classy look about himself. He wears blackened pants with dull grey pinstripes vertically on them. His pointy and shined dress shoes that he admires most of the days if he grows rather bored of things. He also wears an overcoat that is blackened and pinstriped that matches the dress pants. He keeps the overcoat buttoned most of the time. There is nothing on under the coat except for his greyed suspenders that touch against his skin. He is a rather thin man, his skin pale in nature due to what he is.. He has a sheath on the side of his belt buckle that hangs from his right side. It locks and unlocks his weapon into place. Inside the sheath is his blackened widow whip that he uses in the heat of battles.


 He also wears a top hat which is pure black and he finds himself adjusting it often without even noticing he does so. His hair is black and quite long, but he keeps it hidden in under his hat or slicked back most of the time out of his face and sight. He does have one streak of white shining through it though. His eyes are red and the degree of the color often depends on the circumstances and situation.. In the heat of battle, they may be a crisp vibrant red. If he is angered, his eyes may be a darkened blood red perhaps almost blackened shade. If he is intrigued or rather entangled in something, his eyes may have a lighter more curious red to them.. So it all really depends on the scenario at hand with him.

His tale among the tales


 Eddie Flynn was a normal man.. Just like any other man out there in the world just doing his part to survive. He had a wife and a son who he loved ever so much and a job that he cherished. He was a dance instructor and dance was something that he truly loved. It was his passion in life, but it was far from the only passion he had. He was priest as well and he truly loved being such. He would wake up every morning just to praise the day and await night just to pray before his slumber. He was everything he wanted to be and his life was everything that he could've ever hoped for.


He had a friend who was also a priest, Thomas. He was one of those life long type of friends who are rare to find out there in the real world. They were inseperable.. His friend eventually got sick.. He found out it was a brain tumor. Thomas and Eddie knew that one day it would all end. That one day, their life long friendship would just be memories that have faded over time and Eddie didn't want that.. He set out to try and change things if he could.


He took all the effort in the world to fix Thomas. He tried world famous doctors, all the praying in the world, all the nights of crying.. Nothing answered at all.. His pleas and efforts went un-noticed by the god he praised every morning when the sun set high in the sky, and every night when the moon danced with the stars and darkened clouds.. He began becoming dark.. Darker and darker towards the end of his friend's life.


He started practicing something the should've never even attempted.. Black Magic. He wanted to do anything to save his friend and so his dark venture began. Eddie read every single book, prepared everything he possibly could to assure himself that his life long friend will survive and live on with him. He got everything ready and gathered up all his materials for when he knew it was time. The night finally did come several weeks later after Eddie honed in on what he thought he was prepared for. He watched his friend, sickly on his deathbed. Thomas, not even having the strength to move or speak anymore.


Eddie placed an old sack onto the bed and pulled out a book with blood red encrusted dagger. "alact enosis enos 'anastasis", he repeats once more. He then releases the dagger from his stomach and Eddie slices his own tongue and drips some of the blood into Thomas' wound like he read. The wound glows darkly and Eddie gives off a smile. The life has left his friend, but should soon come back.


Eddie watches on as the wound continues to glow. His pale friend now in a dead state of mind, he waits.. Waits for his return. Moments pass and then suddenly, Thomas' fingers starts to move and his eyes come to. Thomas is alive! Eddie's eyes widen and light up with a joy that he hasn't had in a very long time. His efforts have paid off and now he has his friend back amongst the living. He wipes the tears of joy from his face and watches on at Thomas.


"Thomas?", he beckoned to him, but Thomas wasn't the same man that he knew. This was more of a creature. There was no Thomas in his friend's body. Just a dark souless thing that posessed him. It screams and snaps at the air infront of Eddie. He bolts for the door, the thing that used to be his friend in direct route behind him. The thing grabs his leg before he can get to the door and it pulls him in for only what he could imagine.


"Forgive me", Eddie yells as he takes the dagger still tight in his grasp and plunges into the face of the creature that takes on the matter of his old dear Thomas. Eddie cries for a few minutes, the thing slumped over him dead.. He can't process it yet in his head on what has happened. He is just glad that it's over. His breathing changes as he cries more, not sure what to do now. Suddenly, a dark blackened cloud of smoke shoots up from the wound he created in it's head. He watches on terrified and fascinated at the same time. "You did this!", he bellows at it, shaking his fist. "You ruined all of this!", he continues on, standing on his feet.


He isn't quite sure if the cloud of smoke can acknowledge him or not.. It just hovers within the air. "Go ahead, you might as well take me too.. You might as well end me if he no longer lives", Eddie says as the blood still pours from his mouth, his sliced tongue still rather gruesome. The smoke gradually makes it's way over towards him. "What the hell are you waiting for!", he yells even louder, his words almost not making it from his mouth because the lump in his throat is trying to drown out his voice box.


The smoke finally expands even greater and surrounds Eddie.. It engulfs him, the darkness completely taking over his body and mind. It seeps in through his mouth, nose, and ears all at once and disappearing within him. He falls to the ground, not dead but not quite among the living anymore.. Somewhere in between. He wakes up hours later, his lips more pale than usual and his skin losing it's color. He stands, his mind completely unclear and shrouded by such evil thoughts.


Eddie struggles momentarily with himself as he can see the change within himself. His skin just isn't the same. "Am.. I dead?", he questions himself in his own mind. He gets no answer, but something snaps in him and his right eye twitches. It keeps on twitching until it changes to a dark blood red. He watches on at his eye change from it's normal light brown to this dark red format. "What the hell?", he mutters as the other eye begins to twitch and change the same color. His mind goes blank and the darkness within him begins taking over.


His head tilts and he speaks in a manner that he never has before.. "You are mine now", he says and then nods in agreeance with whatever is in his mind. He can't remember anything else. Not what has happened, not anything except what his mind wants him to know.. He treads outside and gets into his car. For some reason he can remember to drive and he does so,  not knowing where his newly frayed mind is taking him. He pulls up to a house of familiarity and he gets out, slamming the door behind him.


He walks up to the door. This is his house, but he doesn't quite understand or know such a thing. "Kill them", the voice mutters from his lips.. "It will make you feel better", it says in a deep creepy voice. He tilts his head as he kicks down the door with a wicked smile appearing upon his face. The wood spacing between the door and the house shatters into hundreds of pieces inward, into the house. The door kicks back into the wall with such a force that it shatters a corner of it. "Honey, I am home", he yells wild eyed into the house.


His wife standing there in the living room, not understanding why he kicked in the door. He just walks past her and into the kitchen. She follows him wondering just what is going on and why he kicked in his own door.. He ignores her, the voices just yelling more and more at his now deranged mind. "Kill them all... NOW", the voice commands of him. He grabs the biggest and sharpest butcher knife out of the bunch within the corner of the kitchen.


The knife tightly within his right hand, he moves towards his wife with a widened and demented smile stuck on his face. His grin possibly made of the nightmares that sits on the tip of one's slumber at night. He moves towards his startled wife. "What are you doing?", she asks him calmly and simply, not understanding what is happening. No answer is drawn from his lips.. He just keeps advancing his footsteps onward towards his confused and frightened wife.


He lunges forward, slicing deeply at her neck and hits his mark. Blood gushes from her neck as she tries to breath. She falls to her knees and convulses, trying to catch her breath but she can't. A gurgling sounds can be heard from her choking and suffocating from her own blood. Eddie stands there with a smirk as big as ever on his face as the warm blood covers his face and clothes. "Good, good", the voices ease at him within that unhinged mind of his. He watches on, part of him.. The good part of him screaming on wondering what he has just done.. A part of him breaking down and shutting off.


The newly unraveling evil side of him, pushing the rational part aside and not showing one ounce of care.. "You think that was something, watch this", he tells the poor man inside him to watch on at his next actions. He moves over towards a room with the name "Chase" on the door. His son's name. He opens the door and moves silently into the room. He sits down on the bed and places his hand on the 7 year old boy's shoulder, hoping to awaken him from the slumber that he is fixated in. The boy rolls over and notices his dad sitting on the edge of the bed.


The boy's eyes light up, able to see his dad. "Daddy, your home!", the innocent words of the child with a happy tone. He hops up and sits next to his dad and grabs his hand.. The hand wet and warm for some reason. The boy examines his hand. "Wh.. What is this daddy?", he slowly says not understanding anything. "You are going on vacation my boy", he says with an innocent tone meeting the words coming from his mouth. "I am jealous that I don't get to join you", he continues on with a tear running down his cheek. A tear signifying the silent screams coming from the last little bit of the real Eddie that is jailed within his mind.


"Really daddy!?", the boy sits on his father's lap not caring about the warm substance on his father's hand any longer. "Tell me more", the boy says excited hoping it's some enchanted fun place or something similar. Eddie, placing his hands on his son's shoulders. "It's a wonderous place filled with all sorts of things.. It's not even of this world. Your mother is already there", he explains to the little boy.. His son, not understanding the words he just said. Eddie moves his mouth towards his son's ear "goodbye Kiddo", the words summoned from him, the only rational words said from within him.. Almost seemed like Eddie actually given the chance to say goodbye to his son.


As swiftly as the words were said, he places his hands around his son's head and twists in one swift motion. Eddie smiles on as he breaks his son's neck, hearing the sickening sound of the bones twisting in a way they shouldn't and instantly killing he poor boy. Eddie gets up and walks from the room, that demented smirk still apparent within his crazed face. He takes one more look back at what used to be his happy little family and life.. The real Eddie giving up and vanishing, not caring.. The evil has broken him deeply and surely. "I am Eddie no more.. I am Decayed", he ponders on about what he just said.. "Edgar Decay", he says with his face growing even more wild.


He left the house, covered in his own family's blood. The crimson liquid dripped from his attire and left a trail on the ground below. He moved through the neighborhood fairly silent and calm for a man who just did the horrors that fell upon him. The darkness that flowed through him was just that, evil and thick in it's hatred for all life. It wanted nothing more than to destroy it all. All happiness, innocence, and joy had to be snuffed out with one last dying breath. Though, Eddie flynn, the human in him screamed inside fighting every step of the way. It was too late, he was engulfed with the darkness within him. It wouldn't ever let him go.. Eddie Flynn was entirely gone. He moved into the woods that left the city. 


He walked for what seemed like forever.. He just kept going.. It didn't matter if his muscles ached or he had essentials unmet such as hunger. It all just faded away. His hair turned jet black and grew. He went into the forest and he layed there. The body soon died and along with it, the screams of the human side were gone. Hunger and needs killed off the body and soon he was dead.. The evil was in it's slumber and the body froze within time. Decades passed by.. Roots grew over the dead body and the soil soon encased him. The body rotted away gradually as the years passed. The horrors that forsakened his family were long done. Decades upon decades had passed.. Even a millenium had went by until the day that someone came into his forest..


A young woman, terrified and running along the forest trying to escape what she had just done. She murdered her father and she couldn't live with the horrors that had forsakened her soul. She was covered in her own father's blood as she tripped and fell. She tumbled into the leaves of the forest. She sat there in tears, realizing she would never be the same. Just turned vampire, she didn't know how to control her powers and the emotions traveled into her mind. She was a given up soul who just didn't want to fight it anymore. She was imprisoned in herself.. Her father's blood.. All over her and now the forest floor. She cried out unsure of what to do. She stayed there for awhile unwilling to go on much more. She had felt lost.. Unwanted by this world. Her tears, the blood of such an incredibly violent act.. 


It all sunk into the soil. She gathered her torn and broken thoughts that rattled around within her mind. She stared off into the distance just to try and get her mind off the pain of it all. She noticed that roots grew up out of the ground in one spot. Quite peculiar she thought amongst her other gathered mind remnants. She crawled towards the strange roots. The soil was wet.. Pulsing with power. Her eyes darted around and didn't understand.. What was this!? She crawled away from the spot and her back against a tree, she watched the roots pull away from the ground and the soil tear away. A millenium of rock, soil, roots, and time had moved off of the grave of one Edgar Decay.. 


The young vampire was unsure as to what she was witnessing, but found it quite interesting, it let her escape her own matters of contention even more just a short while. Suddenly long bony fingers clawed their way up. The remains of a man sat up in the grave, just bones and thick patches of black where his skin rotted for so long and now was nothing more than segments of decomposed blacked areas where flesh sat for so long, eaten away. The skeleton just sat there watching the young vampire. It had no eyes, but somehow she knew it was watching her. She ran at an instant without looking back. She just wanted to get the hell out of there. Whatever that thing was, she wanted no part of it. The blood in her veins flowed even faster with the adrenaline building. All it did was make her hunger for blood.. She moved through the forest with speed unmatched by a normal human being. She knew that the thing in the grave couldn't possibly catch her.


She stopped, her energy low. She had to eat. She kept walking the best she could, still remembering the stare the thing was giving her. It's like it peered into the worsts parts of her soul, which seemed like all her now. Suddenly, the skeleton appeared from behind a tree.. It was different though. It.. It was reforming skin! How!? Fear hit her once more, but intrigue stopped her from running, along with the fact that her hunger had weakened her. Worms and maggots slowly filled in the holes and inner workings of the skeleton and they all formed organs, guts, and all the rest of the interior within a human body. The skin was already forming up his legs. At first it was blackened, almost like a hardened ash. It then turned a pale white color and became the skin. 


The process worked all the way up the body until it was all formed. The body was slender and pale, with the hair forming now on it's head. It appeared to be a man, but it obviously wasn't human.. The naked human body just stood there for a moment, looking at her. Maybe it was forming his last thoughts.. His memories. The last few minutes of Eddie Flynn and Edgar Decay. Once more the darkness was deep within him and his powers were weak for sure, but they were there flowing through his dead body. He moved behind a tree and came out from behind it seamlessly with missing a step with clothes on. A fresh pair of grey dress pants. A white dress shirt with a blackened jacket thrown on top of that. He held out his left hand and at an instant, a top hat appear at the slight of a flick in the hand. He brushed off the top and eyeballed it, placing it on top of his head, slightly amiss.


Edgar circled around the young woman. He could tell she was far than normal. He slighted his right hand and a snake appeared in his grasp. The snake hissed and struck at her. She flinched and watched as the snake hardened into a straight solid object.. A cane. The man stood there and twirled it around in his own amazement. "You know, i've had a long long time to think about who I am.. What I am," he said to the woman. She watched on at him puzzled and shook her head not understanding why or how this was happening. The man just continued as he circled her more and more. "You woke me from a deep slumber dear.. I should be grateful, but..." he said he a silence stopping him. He got closer to her and he reached deep within his jacket pocket. His eyes widened and danced around with glee as he pulled a knife from the pocket. It was sharp and still had dried blood on the blade. He remembered it being the blood from his wife.. his son.. He hesitated, the human part of him tried to fight.. Pointless.. He slowly took the knife and gently ran it from the woman's cheek, all the way down her neck and stopped at the jugular. He pressed the blade harder against her and if it wouldn't have been dulled from the dried blood, it would have surely cut her neck wide open. 


The cornered vampire inside of her was angry. She snarled and she caught him with her sharpened nails. Edgar stumbled back as blood dripped from his face. Scratches across his face proved that the young vampire would protect herself if need be. She didn't let on how weakened she really was. Before she knew it, she was trying to run again. She had a feeling that a scratch wasn't going to do it. She fled into the confined of the forest, into thicker woods. "Run my dear.. Run as fast as you can," the voice of the man called out to her from what seemed like all directions. Was he everywhere? How!? Conventional and rational thoughts just weren't there anymore. The man came out from behind a tree infront of her and she ran straight into him. She fell and he stood there above her. Her breath was heavy and fatigued. "Kill me!" she screamed. She didn't want to live anyway.. Not after destroying her family.. Killing her father. Such a horrid and violent act. He could feel her thoughts as he pressed the knife into her shoulder. "Kill you? Whatever gave you that idea?" he smiled and an evil laugh bellowed from deep within him. He pressed the knife into her shoulder until it hit the bone. She screamed out in intense pain. "It is so much better to make you suffer.. Scream for a bit first," he told her with glee within his voice.


He smiled wickedly as blood started to pour from the wound he was making. He twisted and turned the knife, making the wound bigger and making her to scrape the knife along the bone in her shoulder. The pain was excruciating. If she was human, she would have passed out by now. Adrenaline kept her there along with the body wanting to survive. The vampire was weak, but her body could endure much more. Finally, Edgar took the knife out of the wound he had made and let the blood seep out. It was much different than normal human blood. He knew she was something more but wasn't sure what. He licked the blade, the taste was sharp and metallic.. It tasted different.. Vampires blood, his mind put it together. He licked the rest of the blood from the knife. He then looked her up and down, blood covered her shirt and he realized he wasn't the only one out for blood tonight. "Whats this dear? Have a secret?" he questioned her.


She just shook her head, still in a world of pain. "You are going to die, you might as well tell me," he told her unphased as if he hadn't just woken up from over a 1,000 year sleep. He grabbed her shirt and licked some of her father's blood off of it. That blood was human for sure. It was tainted by such horrors. He could somehow seen what had happened. She ripped her father apart. The scene was graphic, almost as if he had been there watching it himself. The scene somehow reminded him of his own massacred events with his family. Something called out to him about it. He had his back towards the vampire. Suddenly, a pressure formed in the back of his shoulder. The woman had dug her nails deep into his shoulder. He was shocked and stumbled. She grabbed the knife and stabbed him in the same shoulder. "An eye for an eye," She said as she plunged the knife deep into him. He let out a deep growl from within him, but he smiled in place of a wince.


She grabbed the knife and licked the blood from it. It was thick and tasted disgusting, almost like dirt. She drank the little bit from the knife anyway. She then plowed it back into his shoulder and ran away as fast as she could. She didn't understand why she ran. He was always one step ahead of her somehow. She felt like prey, but she refused to be the one hunted. She was still weakened. The blood from the knife wasn't enough for her. She stood her ground. "I know you are there, come out and face me!" she screamed, ready for a fight. The man came out from behind a tree and clapped. "You know, you are the first person to ever stab me," he told the woman. He wasn't sure whether to skin her alive and make her watch as he pulled her intestines out through her belly button or to help her. It was the first time he had felt anything besides hate inside of him. He felt like she had a similar story. That she had the same darkness growing inside of her. He could teach her so much more..


He nodded as he made his decision clear. He threw the knife at her head. It whirled past her head, just barely grazing her ear. She could hear the steel flying through the air and hitting the tree behind her. "Don't ever let someone who wants to kill you live dear.. It just doesn't look good. "Who said that I was done," she said as she leaped at him. She sent a few more slashes with her nails into his face. Suddenly, he vanished into a thick cloud of dark thickened smoke and reappeared behind her. "Also, don't fight what you don't understand because what you don't understand may still kill you," he told her with ferocity in his voice. She suddenly fell from the hunger, but he caught her. "So.... hungry," she mumbled as the fight left her body. Her body went limp.


Edgar shook his head and sat her propped up against a tree. It's the first person that he chose not to kill. She was like him in more ways than not.. He took the knife from the tree and sliced his wrist wide open. He placed it to her mouth and the black liquid that was his blood flowed from his veins and into her mouth. She felt the blood hit her lips and could taste it on her tongue. She sucked the blood deeply, drinking as much as she could. Edgar knew this would transfer some of what he was to her. She would gain his slight of hand and senses. He had to train her to use them.. To harness them. As long as she didn't slice into his face again.. She drank the blood till she was full. She sat there not sure whether to be thankful or hate the man. He took a seat beside her. "Many years ago I was a lost soul.. Much like you," he explained to her. Her ears hung on every word he had to say.


"I am the equidistant of evil.. I killed my family and the human nature in me screamed out.. I felt nothing, but the human side, it was broken. I starved it to death to become evil reincarnate. Your human nature still resides within you. I know you are lost.. Your soul still bound to whatever you did for whatever reason. The truth is you wanted that blood to spill. Your true self just rose to the occassion. Soon we will break your human form and then... Your quandries will leave your body. You will be free to do as you please," he told the young vampire. She listened.. Part of her didn't want to lose her human self. To forget what she had done.. The other part of her though. That bit of darkness that was in her told her it was going to happen and to let the darkness grow.. To harness it.. She nodded. "I am Edgar by the way. Edgar Decay," he told her. She looked at him still with many questions and still not sure whether to trust him.


"Emily.. Just Emily," she said back. She was small, but he could tell there was a fire inside of her. Something that they would learn together. Years passed and they trained.. Even killed together. Then the day came..


Edgar's eyes open and he looked on at Emily. His eyes were dark red and tranquil, with just a bit of fire twinging throughout them. The necromancer and the vampire grew close together and pretty much inseperable the last few years. They learned lots of new things together and all questions between them were answered. The truth was he felt something for her. A burning desire deep somewhere within his decomposed dead body. He watched her sleep until her eyes opened slowly. She smiled kindly at him. "Were you watching me sleep?" she looked at him not sure what to think. He nodded. "Sleep is such a weird thing. Why do we need it? It's not like we are wired the same as a human," he said trying to get off the subject and ignore his desire for her. The truth was, she felt the same. She had for awhile.. 


For years they watched eachother and grew with feelings between them. She watched him he wasn't aware of her and smiled from afar. He layed there with thoughts of her swimming in his head at night. Somehow a place inside of him grew for her and it wasn't all about hatred. Had the human in him returned? It scared him.. He feared the human in him would weaken who he was. Emily was just as scared. She was afraid of the rejection it could have caused.. She didn't want a rift to form all because of her feelings.. So they both loved eachother silently and away from one another, not knowing the other felt the same way. She layed there close to him. He could feel the blood flow through her veins and the aura glowing from her was similar to his. He could sense something about her, but he could never figure it out. He wasn't even truly sure if he knew how to love..


He slightly remembered the word, but forgot the meaning, much like a majority of other emotions that fell from him and were no longer present inside of him. They both got up they were getting ready for the day. She often took a shower and he'd get the enchantments ready for the day. He had given her the ability to not be affected by the sun like most vampires. With his blood flowing inside of her, she wasn't all vampire anymore. She still retained some of the vampire qualities though, just not the bad ones. She was more of a hybrid now. Half dark magic, half vampire. She never thought of herself as either one. She was just.. Emily. 


regaurdless of the feelings they had, Emily was going away. She was going to go learn more of the powers inside of her that Edgar couldn't help with.  He knew much about the dark arts and magics that be, but he knew nothing of vampire powers. He knew she could handle her own and that was that. The day came and they said their goodbyes. She was about to leave when she stopped. Her heart was beating out of her chest and it overtook her. "Wait," she stopped Edgar. She walked up to him and she wanted to kiss him.. She didn't though. She wanted to tell him everything she felt all these years for him. How her heart burned for no one except him and when she woke up everyday, that she longed for him deep in her soul, against all the darkness that was there. He wanted to tell her all the little things he loved dearly about her.


About him loving how she bit her lip as she practiced her slighting of hand and thought it was cute. The way shes scrunch her nose up when she was mad. Even the way she smiled as they killed together. He loved her immensely, but it wasn't said between them. All she said was "Don't have all the fun without me," and all he said in return was "Don't worry.. I won't," and then she was off. Her vampire speed took her through the forest and far into the city where she sat there in an airport surrounded by people she didn't want any part of.. People she rather kill, but their code didn't allow them to get caught in such a predicament. Instead she sat there and wanted to cry, being away from the person she just wanted to be near more than anything. She didn't want the stupid trip to learn about her powers. Her strength was loving him.. She was unstoppable next to him all because with him, she felt human. 


Edgar sat there in his cabin. He pieced together the feelings the that he had. Feelings he tried to hide from himself so many times, but they kept coming back to him full circle. He didn't want things to be this way.. but he was scared. Fearful of losing all power. He loved her though. More than words could possibly say. He only felt something for her. Something that wasn't darkness or some sort of evil. She made him human.. Gave him a heart. He sat there angry at himself and everything around him. Why did she have to go. Why didn't he stop her and say the words he wanted to for so long. His mind fought him and the strings of insanity pulled at the broken mind of Edgar Decay, but he didn't want to lose her so he stood up and summoned his power. Thick dark smoke billowed around him and he thought of Emily..


The thoughts carried him far away. He disappeared into the smoke from the cabin and it carried him to the airport. Emily sat there feeling broken in her thoughts when suddenly, smoked began to form infront of her. She wasn't sure what was going on. She sat there in awe as the smoke became bigger and thickened. It disappeared as quickly as it found itself there and left nothing behind but Edgar Decay. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. She stood there listening with every fiber of her very being, waiting for him to speak.. To say anything..


"My heart doesn't beat dear. I don't understand the word love entirely and maybe not at all. My being and the core of me has always been hatred and darkness in the very confines of who I am.. What I stand for, but you make me feel different. You make me feel like I am not a monster. That there is more to me than just simply a killer. You asked if I was watching you sleep this morning.. Yes.. Yes I was. I watch you every morning because I wake up and think that there is a place inside of me deep within that isn't bad and it's all because of you Emily. I fear the side of me that makes me more than a killer. The human in me.. But I don't stop it because.. Because I love you. I love you Emily," he tells her.


There is a silence among them both. She cries as she holds his hands even tighter and closer to her heart. Her emotions poured out like nothing before it. "You are the part of me that wishes the most out of this life. No.. you are not part of me. You are all of me. Why I get up and secretly smile at you when you aren't watching. Why I think that even after everything, that I am not messed up and just a shadow of my former self. You are absolutely my world and you have been all these years. Edgar, I love you. I really do," she says back to him. They catch eachother in an embrace. She places her head against his chest. She can't believe that after all these years, she can finally feel him against her. She no longer had to hide her smiles for him or hide the words of an I love you just beyond her lips. She could tell him as much as she wanted.. They both could.


She heard something she has never heard before.. A thump within Edgar. She listened more closer and held him tighter than before. She was sure of what she was hearing. She looked up at him. "Edgar! Your heart! It's beating!" she told him with shakening surprise hanging within her voice. He could feel something.. Something new and he ebraced it. What it mean, he didn't know.. All he knew is that now, they no longer had to love eachother silently and from afar. He smiled. "Let's go home," he said and they both vanished within a cloud of the thickened dark smoke. They returned home and they started to live their life. Still very much full of murdering and torturing.. but they now had eachother and the smiles were no longer a secret.. 


Edgar found his heart that day and everyday after that. He was whole and he thought having the human nature and the heart would break him.. Make him weak, but it only made him more strong. Come to an understanding with more things than he could have ever imagined otherwise.. The story of Edgar has only just begun.. The darkness lingers within him and it always will. He will grow just as sadistic and hateful just as strong as he loves and cares for Emily.. The story continues.. Just hope you don't wander into his forest. Luck may not be on your side..



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