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Hibir Majnun

Age: 26 Years old

Origin: Djinn


He has long black hair that flows from his head and a scar on the right side of his lip. He has brown eyes and a necklace that hangs from his neck.

His tale among tales

Former agent/Housekeeper of a small-town private investigation firm, often referred to as the Brimstone Society back on Earth. Took an earlier retirement when he was blasted into the void of space for a while, eventually ended up on Haven, met a king, shared some drinks, then tried to leave the planet to get home, but he crashed again.


Majnun is able to produce small flames, often lashing out with them in a whip like manner, but he prefers to fight hand to hand, having taken inspiration from the Zui quan style of wushu, also known as drunken boxing, often used by the martial artist Jackie Chan. He is also capable of changing form into a crimson ball of energy for travel and capable of extreme speeds in human form.


As with most people bound to flesh, he is vulnearable to most kinds of sharp, blunt, and pointy objects. He is also easily distracted by shiny objects, which are often being thrown at him.


Fire & Energy

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