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Vis Carter

Age: 6 years old

Origin: Human?


A little girl with purple hair and yellow bows twined around her pigtails. She seemed to have an innocent look about her and her eyes told the story of how she craved knowledge and wanted to learn all there is to know.

Her tale among the tales

As an infant she lost her parents and most of her memories. She was adopted by an adventurer, Adam Carter and a dragon, Elseria. They helped her discover her powers and trained her slightly since she could always be in danger and needed to be able to defend herself.  In recent years Vis found her (adoptive) fathers book of runes and sigils. She slowly learned how to read and write runes. Each combination of varying numbers of runes held a different spell. She even found one tbat would turn her teddybear, Tibbers into a real bear though twice the size of a normal one. But, through use of this book she somehow unleashed an evil spirit that was sealed in the pages. It infected her mind slowly and would even speak to her. The evil spirit wanted to be released from his prison and take revenge on the world that sealed him away. Vis's parents started to notice the dark aura eminating from her. They knew it was the book and her mother, Elseria Del-Dracona, burned it away in her hell dragons fire. This however only angered ths dark spirit and allowed him to not only connect to Vis but her mother as well giving them a connection of their own.


She has telekinesis and telepathy but is currently learning to use runes, magical symbols that can cause different things to happen depending on the combination.


When she gets angry she is slightly uncontrollable and doesnt have enough stamina to keep up with her powers sometimes.


Telekenesis & Telepathy


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